Wander Type Project: Monster Hunter World
The game I selected, Monster Hunter World, subsequently renamed Monster Hunter World Iceborne with the arrival of the DLC expansion, is the theme/game I chose due to the deep rooted past I have with it. I first started playing this franchise back when it’s predecessors were released on the nintendo 2DS. Bear in mind that though I used the Iceborne DLC none of the specimens showed in the Wander Project require the DLC to reach. When I chose this game, I decided to start the collection of the specimen in a simple and straight method, by exploring the safe areas of the game, there being two. As they were maps with human structures it was easy to find most of the necessary specimen as there were many different structures to take notice of. After that I tried getting more adventurous by exploring the more natural formations where the wyvern monsters were located. As I expected it was much more difficult to find the necessary sepcimen as most natural shapes simply didn’t reflect a distinguishable letter. Not only that but taking screenshots of monsters while they were attacking you and snapping it at the very moment where they might have shown a particular specimen that I was looking for was extremely hard.
While completing the tasks and conducting the analysis I found that there were a lot more occasions and instances of letters being represented in places I wouldn’t have expected them to be. It was also interesting to see how our mind creatively found different specimens, even those of my classmates, as we looked at the game from a different perspective. The biggest challenge I found was finding specimen in the wild maps such as the forest and desert, not counting the monsters inhabiting them. Finding natural structures that displayed a specific letter was notoriously hard. The only other challenge or rather question I kept posing myself was how distinguishable a specimen had to be. I often found myself whether the specimen I used was appropriate or not. Aside from that, I feel like the only limitation was that as it is not one of the main games I play regularly and continuously I had to take more time in analyzing the world to find what I needed.
About the Author: Simone Bassi
Simone Bassi is a student majoring in game design at the university of George Mason Korea. He is in the first year of his sophomore years. The booklet was made throughout the AVT-215 that was taught by professor Miriam Ahmed
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Wander Type: Monster Hunter World